Our common home needs us now - Brookhaven needs your voice
The Laudato Si’ Ministry wishes to draw your attention to an important, time-sensitive issue in our very own town of Brookhaven. Our household trash is burned at an incinerator, and the remaining ash is buried in the Brookhaven Landfill. This has led to air and water quality concerns, as well as health problems for the people living in the area. The Town agreed to close the landfill by 2024. However, plans are being considered to continue accepting ashes from burned garbage, perpetuating the existing environmental threat. Please check out the video ABC7NY report, linked below, to learn more.
In the spirit of Christian charity and stewardship, please consider adding your voice in support of clean air and water on Long Island and for our Brookhaven neighbors who have suffered the ill effects of the landfill for decades. Click this document to see how you can help
.Laudato Si Brookhaven Town Landfill
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