Be doers of the word and not hearers only. - Letter of James 1:22

Browsing Fr Bob on His Camino

Photos from last 2 emails all together- click to enjoy

   In front of the Albergue tonight

Morning in Galicia

The road to Laza

The path on the other side IS the Camino

Typical Town Square in a small town

A picnic area for Pilgrims (the region before didn't even have a bench, or water.

Dinner, the empty plate is mine

Lunch completed. YUM!

A picnic area for Pilgrims (the region before didn't even have a bench, or water.

Part of the inside, each of those "compartments" has 4 bunk beds

Typical Town Square in a small town

My bed

Lunch being prepared on the patio, he comes to the bar on special days to serve the Pulpo (A local specialty in Galicia)

Birgit and Julia in front of the shop in town where I had the ice cream, the return box for the keys was next to it

Nuff said


The taxi driver pulled over so I could take this picture, down into Vilar de Barrio

The Albergue

All the way down into Laza

Water for Pilgrims

Eucalyptus tree




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